Some kind words from past clients

I am grateful to all the people that I have met through my coaching practice. Here are some words from those who included me on their journey!



Deb P


Choosing the right coach can be challenging as there are so many. I very highly recommend Patricia. Not only is she trained by Martha Beck, whose approach to coaching is so powerful, but Patricia has her own intuitive gifts she brings with her to the table.

One of them I affectionately call "going for the jugular". She seems to know exactly what pain point to zoom in on during sessions. It may be things we don't want to face, but of course, those are the things that bring about the biggest transformations. And the fastest.

Then there's her "energy detector". She gets hits off your energy which can lead to greater insight. For example, we were talking about something once and she stopped and said--wait, your energy just totally tanked when I said that. What happened? What were you thinking? I wasn't even aware of it at the time, but when she brought it to my attention I was able to recall the feelings that were involved and the resulting insights again helped me get unstuck and move forward.

I'm very grateful to Patricia for our coaching sessions.

ian k

Hamilton, ON

Patricia is one of the most inspiring people to be around! She genuinely cares about everyone she works with.

She has coached me several times and every time I leave feeling in control of my own destiny and that the universe will provide for me. I have an event coming up that I was nervous for. Instead of just saying “you’ll be fine”, she spoke with me to find out the reason I was nervous.  She coached me through my hesitations and now I feel 100% ready!

I’m so thankful I met Patricia!  She’s such a treasure.  Anyone who works with her will count themselves very lucky!

Barbra B

washington, d.c.

Hiring Patricia as my coach was the best decision I made. In a time of deep doubt about my career and my personal life, she used mind-body work, experiential tools and deep listening as a way to let me reconnect to my authentic self and stop looking for all the answer outside of me.

She helped me get clear on the real longings of my heart and supported me to navigate the path towards them with confidence and clarity.

A year later I can confidently say that I don’t think I would have been able to take control of my career and restore my personal relationships without my work with Patricia. I am truly grateful.